Monday, 19 November 2007


Rui (FacelessRed) Finally has his Computer up and runing again.
Fixed and with added RAM and a brand spanking new hard drive.
This should help the progress of the project greatly as now he can work for longer periods of time and from home.

(Took me ages to make that little celebration thing.. well its done now.. And its exactly the same as the Densha Otoko one too)

Dan Tsukasa out

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

5ive STAR cola

I got a song the other day, its called 5ive STAR, and the song is really catchy, I Drew a character similar to the animated music video to 5ive STAR, its of a funky looking cat.

thats the video from youtube, unfortunatly i can't f ind it on stage6 anymore, which would have been much better.

after consulting with Dan(as of 6 minutes ago) we decided to go for it, and ive decided to change the maskot to the doodle character i drew. the 5ive STAR cat, which ive renamed to the 5ive☆ Cat


Saturday, 10 November 2007

World Progress

Ive just realised that ive been adding the Progress of the world to my own personal Blog and not to this Blog, so unless were all together at uni none of you seem to really know exactly what im doing.
Well here is the world so far at least.
Ive moddeled a few things that are not generally in the script.. but im fast at modelling so its alright i guess.

And here is the character in all its glory.
From a few different angles of course.
I need to texture it still but here is th emodel with the default lambert texture.

Dan Tsukasa out \( -_- )/

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Scene Sucked!

Okay, i tried a transition between her getting out the car, and then seeing the machine and walking up to it. and the scene SUCKED. i put up some pictures of what i was doing yesterday, and i tried it and rendered it and i think its absolutely TERRIBLE. I'll put up a render of the video that i didnt like, and i think it would be quite obvious as to why i don't like it. I'm going to try a different scene, im going to move the girl (toshiko) closer to the machine and see if i can get a better transition from stepping out the car. i might use a 1st person view to fill in the gap between getting out the car. and moving up to the machine. anyway... back to work.

Here is the Scene i am NOT going to be using. its garbage.


Bloggers Fixed

Considering all the problems me and Rui had uploading our progress with the animation the other day, its taken a day or so but for some reason the problems within the blogger server appear to be fixed.

So now Rui's video i uploaded for him on Blogger seems to work, and he has now removed the Youtube links as there is no longer a need for them.
Still not suer what caused the video processing problems in blogger.. all we kept getting was the error saying "This video no longer exists", so i guess we might never know.
Were just going to have to hope that it never happens again.

Pray people m( _ _ )m m( _ _ )m m( _ _ )m.

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Some progress of the Opening Scene, Blogger has been acting funny hopefully it will work. if not ill put up a youtube video later.

Some images also of some of the rig editing process to do the walk.

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

James Trax Editor


This is james animation test.

For whatever unknown reason he hasnt posted this test in a week so i thought id post it fo rhim

But this should boost a bit of moral hopefully. Considering im sure this was James's 1st time using the trax editor i think he has done considerably well.. me.. i still have no idea hwo to sue the trax editor, Rui any chance you could teach me how sometime soon?

Thats all

Dan Tsukasa Out

Monday, 5 November 2007


Well the title to this post seems a bit random but i suppose thats because i dont have any one SINGULAR good reason to write this post.

James where were you today? We were supposed to check on the progress and i was supposed to UV map and texture your model so far.
Oh well its tuesday tomorrow and thats our designated day to be in so i guess i'll have to do it then if you even show up that is...
Try and notify us when your gonna be in college and when your not though please as if one of us doesnt show up when needed it kinda throws the whole "organisation" thing out of the window deshou?

Well anyways a small update that happened today.
Me and Rui (Louis) discussed the different camera angles in the scenes and implimented them into the opening section of the animation, I suggested a few useful things and he seemed to like the idea as it required less animation (Choosing our angles wisely can make things much easier on us.. too many whide shots mean more moddeling and more animation overall and if it doesnt help th feel or add to the grade then whats the point eh?).

Thats all for the update.. I understand more of what to do for Dan Dali's project now so i can organise my time more efficiently now and get much more work done.

Working on the UV's for james model at the moment everyone i'll
post something about it later on once it looks good enough hopefully.

Dan Tsukasa out \( ^+^ )/

Friday, 2 November 2007

Basic layout

Me and James created this base layout the other day.
Considering we have started moddeling the stuff and animating it we seem to be slightly behind on the "written" side of things.
Ive noticed we seem to keep making things (ie: me with james character) but not actually joptting down the ideas as we go along.
Its now an hour away from the summative and its now too late for us to correct this error in our work methods.
Here is at least one thing thats important to us all.
A basic layout.
It looks basic i know ( T_T") but it took a while to generate the ideas in the correct order and it took a fair ammount of discussion.
We can discuss work further after the deadline.
I personally have to work on Dan Dali's and i know Rui (Faceless) does aswell, so we might not be able to work as fast over the next 3 days so i appologise for that in advance.
Sorry james, but jsut continue to model as you are now and then I will be able to catch up in 4 days of your work in about 4-6 hours i think.
Thats all for today

Tsukasa (Dan) out (^ _ ^)/~~サヨナラ

Chosen theme

Okay, so we've done alot of talking about what were doing, and what we've referencd and how we secretly want to kill each other. But we havent said anything definitive of the theme were utilizing for this animation.

Our animation is in two parts,sort of... Two worlds to be more specific. The outside world, the world me and you might recognize as the real world, and then the inside world. the Inside world being a world where life and activity isn't something that comes to mind when you think "Drink vending machine."

The outside world right now is pretty much decided it will represent the real world, stylized of course. with more straight forward happenings. the outside world isn't in the animation for an extended period of time however, so it isnt the most detailed thing in the whole world. SO the THEME if one had to say the outside world had a theme was, a small compact modern day world, with a twist of "tomorrow."

The Inside World,the inside world is where the magic of the animation begins, or at least so we hope. we are pushing our idea and animation skill into this part of the animation, the inside world is in current concept a mixture between the natural world and industrial technology. kind of a steam punk feel with a mixed natural landscape, something you would NOT come to find inside of a cola machine.

Characters within the animation, adding to the thematic elements

Inside world
Dan really wanted the Lemmings for the characters on the inside, but in the end that would have been hard to pull off, and wouldn't have been original. the inside world's characters are unique, and are inspired by those green haired 8 bit blue sweater wearing suicidal bastids in order to execute our animation. it adds to the theme of the inside owrld, the creatures we are going to be using are creatures that one would assume would live in a natural environment however they work and know the machinary inside kind of like how lemmings were assigned tasks. those little guys work hard in order to push that bottle of drink on out to the customer.

Outside world
Outside world is simple, the time the outside world will be in the animation is short, so short that character designing has been put off for it. however if time is on our side id like tomodel as many people for the city scene as possible, modeling is one of my favorite things to do, maybe because it caters to my inability to finish things, haha. i can keep creating and just keep adding, never finishing till i get bored of it. the characters i have in mind are like the character concepts pasted up onto the blog, simple people, that don't necessarily have to be moving much. i want lots of people!.. or should i make it lots of sound to hint at lots of people? hmm hmm. (~,O)


Production schedual 2

production schedual for november. ill write it here till i can get a proper program to do one in. also i've included whom i think should be doing what

November 1st - 2nd

work on character modeling (done) FacelessRed(Louis) and Tsukasa(Dan)
environment modeling exteriors(done) FacelessRed(Louis)
interior cola machine modeling(progressing) RedHare (James)
Begin animation "Block out"(dan Louis James)
Update blogs accordingly and cover the
criteria check emailed to us.)Done) FacelessRed (Louis)

november 7th - 14th
work on final animation - (all of us)

November 15th - 17th

animation check, and model checks. FacelessRed (louis)
(list whatever changes we want to change and write down what we dont like , blog it possibly)

November 18th Onwards

-finalize all changes and then act upon them. ---tsukasa & facelessred (dan, Louis)
-music and sound--- FacelessRed(louis)
-Texturing / texturing tweeking. Tsukasa(dan) on interiors and FacelessRed(louis) on exteriors
-camera testing facelessRed, Tsukasa, redHare (louis, dan, james)
-Rendering - FacelessRed, Tsukasa, RedHare (louis, dan, james)
-editing video -- FacelessRed(Louis)

- FacelessRed

Thursday, 1 November 2007

Simple Script

Okay, so we needed to put up our simple script so i typed up what we came up with. here it be's!

-Simple Script-

Scenes Opens up In a city. A modern city with a few futuristic elements to it.

People walk by camera, distant car horns honk and general hustle and bustle.

car pulls up from a little way away. Car door opens up. Girl / man steps out.

person walks over to the nearby cola machine, and puts in Money (coin?)

Music starts up.

camera following into the inside view of the drink machine.coins tumbles into machine and
activates a switch within the machine.

this switch releases the empty drink bottle onto a conveyer belt.

the drink is then carried through a different kind ofworld within the inside of the machine which is seemingly controlled by small creatures.

the drink will work its way through our “machine’s” environment till it reaches the outside world.

Which it is then taken by the person in the opening of the shot and the person drives off happilly.

- FacelessRed