Friday, 2 November 2007

Production schedual 2

production schedual for november. ill write it here till i can get a proper program to do one in. also i've included whom i think should be doing what

November 1st - 2nd

work on character modeling (done) FacelessRed(Louis) and Tsukasa(Dan)
environment modeling exteriors(done) FacelessRed(Louis)
interior cola machine modeling(progressing) RedHare (James)
Begin animation "Block out"(dan Louis James)
Update blogs accordingly and cover the
criteria check emailed to us.)Done) FacelessRed (Louis)

november 7th - 14th
work on final animation - (all of us)

November 15th - 17th

animation check, and model checks. FacelessRed (louis)
(list whatever changes we want to change and write down what we dont like , blog it possibly)

November 18th Onwards

-finalize all changes and then act upon them. ---tsukasa & facelessred (dan, Louis)
-music and sound--- FacelessRed(louis)
-Texturing / texturing tweeking. Tsukasa(dan) on interiors and FacelessRed(louis) on exteriors
-camera testing facelessRed, Tsukasa, redHare (louis, dan, james)
-Rendering - FacelessRed, Tsukasa, RedHare (louis, dan, james)
-editing video -- FacelessRed(Louis)

- FacelessRed

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