Considering we have started moddeling the stuff and animating it we seem to be slightly behind on the "written" side of things.
Ive noticed we seem to keep making things (ie: me with james character) but not actually joptting down the ideas as we go along.
Its now an hour away from the summative and its now too late for us to correct this error in our work methods.
Here is at least one thing thats important to us all.
A basic layout.
It looks basic i know ( T_T") but it took a while to generate the ideas in the correct order and it took a fair ammount of discussion.

We can discuss work further after the deadline.
I personally have to work on Dan Dali's and i know Rui (Faceless) does aswell, so we might not be able to work as fast over the next 3 days so i appologise for that in advance.
Sorry james, but jsut continue to model as you are now and then I will be able to catch up in 4 days of your work in about 4-6 hours i think.
Thats all for today
Tsukasa (Dan) out (^ _ ^)/~~サヨナラ
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