Monday, 5 November 2007


Well the title to this post seems a bit random but i suppose thats because i dont have any one SINGULAR good reason to write this post.

James where were you today? We were supposed to check on the progress and i was supposed to UV map and texture your model so far.
Oh well its tuesday tomorrow and thats our designated day to be in so i guess i'll have to do it then if you even show up that is...
Try and notify us when your gonna be in college and when your not though please as if one of us doesnt show up when needed it kinda throws the whole "organisation" thing out of the window deshou?

Well anyways a small update that happened today.
Me and Rui (Louis) discussed the different camera angles in the scenes and implimented them into the opening section of the animation, I suggested a few useful things and he seemed to like the idea as it required less animation (Choosing our angles wisely can make things much easier on us.. too many whide shots mean more moddeling and more animation overall and if it doesnt help th feel or add to the grade then whats the point eh?).

Thats all for the update.. I understand more of what to do for Dan Dali's project now so i can organise my time more efficiently now and get much more work done.

Working on the UV's for james model at the moment everyone i'll
post something about it later on once it looks good enough hopefully.

Dan Tsukasa out \( ^+^ )/

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