Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Todays lesson Tuesday the 30th

Today we had our weekly group meeting with Jarred at 2PM.
Normally I don't bother to write about these little meetings as they generally seem to have gone well so far and no concerns were raised so there was never anything to say about them.

Well.. todays lesson didnt go so well after all.. ( T_T)M

Jarred noticed some flaws within our groups working method, he noticed that more work has CURRENTLY been done on the outside of the machine then on the inside.
Jarred seems concerned that were focusing so much on the outside of the commercial that no focus seems to be on the inside section, and the inside is the most important of the 2 parts of course.

We appear to have a strange work method.. were running pretty much on Schedual work wise so far, with one or 2 smaller exceptions, Character modelling seems to be getting along well enough afterall and storyboarding seems to be great but somehow were not exactly on track as we hadnt really come to a final idea until today

Jarred said "So do you lot just give eachother a hard time and then hand in the work on time?is this how you guys always work?" i think thats a rather interesting insight into the way we work,, Because we dont seem to really give eachother any positive critisism in our work, we just either dont speak or we insult and order eachother about and somehow the work seems to be getting done..(Though obviously this method isnt as sucessful as we thought as were slipping slightly behind schedual with it)

So after speaking to Jarred for quite some time we all began to notice where we stood within the group.. were all stubborn and none of like admiting that we might be wrong but we seem to have learnt from the mistakes and now were somehow ABOVE track work wise again.

Rui (Faceless) began storyboarding the outside section of the cola machine and he has also only got the animation left to do on that section, James has moddeled a cog (Which he seemed to be think was super impressive eventhough its taken him days to model something that takes me only 20 minutes on and off) but he also moddeled his crane thing aswell and me and him came to a FINAL DEFFINITIVE script today.

We sketched it out on paper and we all agreed that it is what were after, il do the Blockout of that animation over this weekend seeing as james is working (though its mainly because im fast) ad then il show you both on monday and see if anything needs to be changed, its pretty simple i just need to inhabit the world with characters.

me and Louis also discussed an easier way to do the beginning of the inside of the machine by using a swipe card instead of a coin( the coin would require more texture and animation work) so were gonna discuss that idea more, it should only be shown for one second anyways so il most likely model that section once ive done the blockout of the rest of the sequence.

Unfortunatly one of James's characters has suffered an unfortunate incident.. me and james opted to fire his 4 legged character from the story as it was becomming too complicated for me to model texture animate and rig it (It was overall complicated to complete within the timescale i had set myself).
James character has not been forgotten just not included in the Project.

One more thing:

Me and Louis completed the design of the cola icon for "Ikenai Cola" so thats one thing we can now rest easy about i guess.

Tsukasa (Dan) out ( $_$ )

Production Schedual

Me and Rui(Facelessred) Made this Production schedual a while back.. But we just misplaced it and havent been able to upload it because of this.

So I spent 10 minutes typing it up on the laptop to upload it here for all to see.

This way james can keep track of where about he should be and so can we i guess.

Unfortunatly were slightly behind with the Schedual.. we seem to have done certain things such as character design before deciding apon a final storyline..though weve decided a final story now.

I'll upload that as soon as possible, though you've both read it anyways so at least were all clear on that, But incase theres any missunderstandings we can keep track of things on here.

Were almost at the end of October so then its time to begin the animation side of everything.. im fast as hell at moddeling and james has already started the crane/crank (Whatever its called) and Rui you already started the car and beginning part of the animation and ive started moddeling the characters so we have already started the ACTION PROCESS already i guess..

Well here is the schedual eitherway.. seing as im starting to blabber on..
Tsukasa Doumyouji (Dan - Tsukasa Productions) out (0 _ 0)/

Monday, 29 October 2007

Modeling( ゚▽゚)/ \(^ ^)/

Finally got the Character sheets off of James (Red Hare) So il start moddeling them straight away. ( ^ _ ^)<☆ ☆ ~ ☆ ☆>(^ _ ^ )

I'll upload some moddeling progress as it goes along. That should eb up within the next 24 hours at least. James is currently moddeling the Machine hand for the animation which is coming along rather nicely. Listening to Smarttail has me working much faster...\(^ ^)/.
i'll see if i can get james to take a screanshot of the crank thus far to upload to his blog as his is rather Empty so far.

Dan (Tsukasa) out. )(ノ^_^)ノ _| ̄|○

Sunday, 28 October 2007

Cola Advert

Okei everyone heres that cola advert I've been talking about so much the past few days.

This is the kinda thing that were going for.

During the week we will get together and have a little group Discusion on the direction were taking with this Project so far and where we plan to direct it in the future.

James (Red Hare) This kinda idea is perfect for your kawaii little Characters, and we should also be able to incorporate that really cool car or Rui's (Faceless) into it.

So after that slight downtime it seems things are once again Looking up.

About time too.

/////( ^_^) ---> thats the direction were heading in nowdays.

Tsukasa Doumyouji(Dan - Tsukasa) out.

Saturday, 27 October 2007

Downtime m( T_T )m

Unfortunatly progress the past few days has started to dip a tiny bit..
Due to us finding out that James's(Red hare) laptop wont arrive for another 28 days (over the Project deadline by a while).
Fortunatly Im the only one with a working Computer out of the 3 of us and the other 2 are using the college computers to work on instead which is conveniant.

Seems Louis (Rui - FacelessRed) has randomally appointed himself head of the group.. thats fine with me and I dont think james will Object.
Anyways ive done a bit of research and i like the style used in FFVII for the Forgotten City (City of the Ancients). The designs below are what i mean incase im not very good at explaining.

Louis(Rui - FacelessRed) you've played FFVII many times so you know where im coming from with this idea.. Where'as james(Red hare) does'nt so this is mainly for his benefit.. and to refresh our minds aswell i guess.

James(Red hare) i hope that helps to explain a bit where me and Louis are coming from with the Idea of seashells as an environment.
I'll also post the Cola Commercial as soon as I manage to find a working link

Tsukasa Doumyouji (Dan - Tsukasa Productions)

Friday, 26 October 2007


As the leader of the group I guess it's my responsibility to update the main page. finally got the password back and we can now log in.

We have discussed and decided on the main theme. We are going to do something similar to a famous Coke Advert known as the "Happiness Factory." which is a part of "the Coke side of life" advertisement campaign.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1NnyE6DDnQ

We've had different Ideas on how to play this out along with the main idea behind the animation, being the environment side of things. Where as my mind was more towards modern times, Dan (tsukasa) wanted something more organic, and James (the ginger) wanted something more "classic." Dan decided to pull some pictures from one of our favorite games of all time. Final Fantasy VII, Realeased late in the year 1997 by Squarsoft now known as Square Enix. Which you will be able to find more info into the research of this on tsukasa's blog site. While i looked into some things like the movie I,robot and modern city scapes.

With these main ideas coming together we decided that the way our animation could work is have the real world similar to the coke commercial, of course on the outside. Where some of the modern and futuristic elements to the short animation comes in. Then have the more surrealistic and organic things similar to certain things in the world of Final Fantasy VII would take place inside the "coke" machine world. allowing a more broad use of the Environments and also allowing a wide range of possible character interactivity IN and OUT of the "coke machine" world.

Unfortunatly James hasn't done much other than character concepts maybe he will post them on his blog.. someday.


Tuesday, 9 October 2007


Welcome to the Faceless-Productions Project Blog.
CVA 2ND year.

None of us have ever doen Blogging before so were not really sure what to write here to be honest.
But tihs is the group blog and its here to show off the groups work as a whole and chart our progress as a group and is also used as a way for us to communicate with eachother if we cannot see eachother in person.

The groups members are Dan Tsukasa James Milham and Louis Morgan (Hanazawa Rui), were friends from way back so we should be able to work well on this Project and 2 of the group members are housemates so that should also help speed things up.

All of us have different styles tastes and ways of working so hopefully we should get some interesting and unique results from this Project.

Thats all.

Faceless Productions Group out ( -_- )/