Tuesday, 9 October 2007


Welcome to the Faceless-Productions Project Blog.
CVA 2ND year.

None of us have ever doen Blogging before so were not really sure what to write here to be honest.
But tihs is the group blog and its here to show off the groups work as a whole and chart our progress as a group and is also used as a way for us to communicate with eachother if we cannot see eachother in person.

The groups members are Dan Tsukasa James Milham and Louis Morgan (Hanazawa Rui), were friends from way back so we should be able to work well on this Project and 2 of the group members are housemates so that should also help speed things up.

All of us have different styles tastes and ways of working so hopefully we should get some interesting and unique results from this Project.

Thats all.

Faceless Productions Group out ( -_- )/

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