Monday, 29 October 2007

Modeling( ゚▽゚)/ \(^ ^)/

Finally got the Character sheets off of James (Red Hare) So il start moddeling them straight away. ( ^ _ ^)<☆ ☆ ~ ☆ ☆>(^ _ ^ )

I'll upload some moddeling progress as it goes along. That should eb up within the next 24 hours at least. James is currently moddeling the Machine hand for the animation which is coming along rather nicely. Listening to Smarttail has me working much faster...\(^ ^)/.
i'll see if i can get james to take a screanshot of the crank thus far to upload to his blog as his is rather Empty so far.

Dan (Tsukasa) out. )(ノ^_^)ノ _| ̄|○

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