Saturday, 27 October 2007

Downtime m( T_T )m

Unfortunatly progress the past few days has started to dip a tiny bit..
Due to us finding out that James's(Red hare) laptop wont arrive for another 28 days (over the Project deadline by a while).
Fortunatly Im the only one with a working Computer out of the 3 of us and the other 2 are using the college computers to work on instead which is conveniant.

Seems Louis (Rui - FacelessRed) has randomally appointed himself head of the group.. thats fine with me and I dont think james will Object.
Anyways ive done a bit of research and i like the style used in FFVII for the Forgotten City (City of the Ancients). The designs below are what i mean incase im not very good at explaining.

Louis(Rui - FacelessRed) you've played FFVII many times so you know where im coming from with this idea.. Where'as james(Red hare) does'nt so this is mainly for his benefit.. and to refresh our minds aswell i guess.

James(Red hare) i hope that helps to explain a bit where me and Louis are coming from with the Idea of seashells as an environment.
I'll also post the Cola Commercial as soon as I manage to find a working link

Tsukasa Doumyouji (Dan - Tsukasa Productions)

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