Friday, 26 October 2007


As the leader of the group I guess it's my responsibility to update the main page. finally got the password back and we can now log in.

We have discussed and decided on the main theme. We are going to do something similar to a famous Coke Advert known as the "Happiness Factory." which is a part of "the Coke side of life" advertisement campaign.


We've had different Ideas on how to play this out along with the main idea behind the animation, being the environment side of things. Where as my mind was more towards modern times, Dan (tsukasa) wanted something more organic, and James (the ginger) wanted something more "classic." Dan decided to pull some pictures from one of our favorite games of all time. Final Fantasy VII, Realeased late in the year 1997 by Squarsoft now known as Square Enix. Which you will be able to find more info into the research of this on tsukasa's blog site. While i looked into some things like the movie I,robot and modern city scapes.

With these main ideas coming together we decided that the way our animation could work is have the real world similar to the coke commercial, of course on the outside. Where some of the modern and futuristic elements to the short animation comes in. Then have the more surrealistic and organic things similar to certain things in the world of Final Fantasy VII would take place inside the "coke" machine world. allowing a more broad use of the Environments and also allowing a wide range of possible character interactivity IN and OUT of the "coke machine" world.

Unfortunatly James hasn't done much other than character concepts maybe he will post them on his blog.. someday.


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