Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Production Schedual

Me and Rui(Facelessred) Made this Production schedual a while back.. But we just misplaced it and havent been able to upload it because of this.

So I spent 10 minutes typing it up on the laptop to upload it here for all to see.

This way james can keep track of where about he should be and so can we i guess.

Unfortunatly were slightly behind with the Schedual.. we seem to have done certain things such as character design before deciding apon a final storyline..though weve decided a final story now.

I'll upload that as soon as possible, though you've both read it anyways so at least were all clear on that, But incase theres any missunderstandings we can keep track of things on here.

Were almost at the end of October so then its time to begin the animation side of everything.. im fast as hell at moddeling and james has already started the crane/crank (Whatever its called) and Rui you already started the car and beginning part of the animation and ive started moddeling the characters so we have already started the ACTION PROCESS already i guess..

Well here is the schedual eitherway.. seing as im starting to blabber on..
Tsukasa Doumyouji (Dan - Tsukasa Productions) out (0 _ 0)/

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